About Wolves
Whiskey with Western Spirit
The history of whiskey is a long and adventurous tale of deviants and creatives, outlaws and renegades. It’s the history of tastemakers and troublemakers.
At Wolves Whiskey, we’re taking that troublemaking, tastemaking spirit a cut further. As the luxury standard-bearer in American Whiskey, our focus is on the newly-emerging American Single Malt category.
It’s rare that new spirits categories are created in the United States, and rarer still for whiskey, a spirit steeped in centuries worth of lore. As part of this pioneering category, Wolves Whiskey alchemizes the old into new. Founded and made in the American West, we uphold standards of craftsmanship while retaining the Western spirit of discovery and innovation. That is our product ethos; high standards of quality coupled with a commitment to finding novel ways of doing things.
In the natural world, wolves are celebrated for their acute intuition, sophisticated social rituals, and drive towards freedom. Once native to the American West, wolves began to decline as a result of human settlement. As the Western wilderness was razed to the ground to make room for modern life, this powerful animal receded into the background of our landscape, imaginations, and values.
Wolves Whiskey reignites those once-lost values of instinct, skill, and uncompromising quality. Our whiskey is an invitation to run free again, untethered to the mundanity of our modern world.
Just as the Western wilderness is slowly restored to its natural magnificence, and its wolves return home, Wolves Whiskey represents a return to pleasure, ritual, and taste.